How do I choose embroidery scissors? | 9 Things You Need to Know

Embroidery is a beautiful and intricate art form that requires precision and skill. One of the most important tools in embroidery is the embroidery scissors. Choosing the right pair of scissors can make all the difference in your embroidery work. In this article, we will guide you through the process of choosing the perfect pair of embroidery scissors for your needs.


The first thing to consider when choosing embroidery scissors is the size. Embroidery scissors come in various sizes, ranging from small to large. The size of the scissors you choose will depend on the size of your hands and the type of embroidery work you plan to do. If you have small hands, you may want to choose a smaller pair of scissors. On the other hand, if you have larger hands, a larger pair of scissors may be more comfortable for you to use.

Blade Type

Another important factor to consider when choosing embroidery scissors is the blade type. Embroidery scissors come with either straight or curved blades. Straight blades are best for cutting straight lines and edges, while curved blades are better for cutting around curves and intricate shapes. If you plan to do a lot of intricate embroidery work, curved blades may be a better option for you.

Blade Length

The length of the blades is also an important factor to consider. Longer blades are better for cutting longer threads and fabrics, while shorter blades are best for intricate work.


The material of the embroidery scissors is also an important factor to consider. Scissors are made from a variety of materials, including stainless steel, titanium, and nickel. Stainless steel scissors are the most common and are known for their durability and rust resistance. Titanium scissors are lightweight and durable, making them a good choice for those who do a lot of embroidery work. Nickel scissors are known for their sharpness and precision, but they can be prone to rusting if not properly cared for.

Handle Design

The handle design of the embroidery scissors is another important factor to consider. The handle should be comfortable to hold and easy to grip. Embroidery scissors come with a variety of handle designs, including straight handles, offset handles, and curved handles. Straight handles are best for those with small hands, while offset handles are better for those with larger hands. Curved handles are best for those who suffer from arthritis or other hand problems.


The weight of the scissors is another factor to consider. Lightweight scissors are ideal for long periods of use, while heavier scissors are better suited for heavy-duty cutting.


Sharp scissors are essential for precise cutting. Look for scissors with sharp blades that will cut through fabrics and threads with ease.


Choosing a reputable brand is important when buying embroidery scissors. Reputable brands offer high-quality scissors that are durable and long-lasting.


Finally, the price of the embroidery scissors is also an important factor to consider. Embroidery scissors can range in price from a few dollars to hundreds of dollars. While it may be tempting to choose the cheapest pair of scissors, it is important to remember that quality comes at a price. Investing in a high-quality pair of embroidery scissors will not only last longer, but it will also make your embroidery work easier and more precise.

Choosing the right pair of embroidery scissors is essential for any embroidery artist. By considering the size, blade type, material, handle design, and price, you can find the perfect pair of scissors for your needs. Remember to invest in a high-quality pair of scissors to ensure that your embroidery work is precise and beautiful.

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Can embroidery scissors cut fabric?

Yes, embroidery scissors can be used for cutting fabric. However, they are typically smaller and more delicate than regular fabric scissors, so they may not be ideal for cutting thicker or tougher fabrics. It’s always a good idea to choose the right type of scissors for the task at hand to achieve the best results.

Why are embroidery scissors a stork?

Embroidery scissors are often designed with a stork pattern on the handles, which has become a traditional and popular design for this type of scissor. The origin of this design is not entirely clear, but there are a few possible explanations.

One theory is that the stork is a symbol of childbirth and new life, and embroidery was traditionally used to make baby clothes and other items for infants. So, the stork design on embroidery scissors may have been intended to represent this connection.

Another theory is that the stork design is simply a decorative element that became popular in the 19th century when ornate and fanciful designs were common in many areas of art and design.

Whatever the reason, the stork design has become an enduring and recognizable feature of embroidery scissors, and many people enjoy the whimsical and charming appearance of these scissors as a result.

How do you clean embroidery scissors?

To clean embroidery scissors, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Wipe the blades with a soft, dry cloth to remove any loose debris or dust.
  2. If there is any adhesive residue or other stubborn debris on the blades, you can use a small amount of rubbing alcohol or vinegar on a cloth to gently rub the affected area until it comes off.
  3. If the scissors are particularly dirty or have accumulated grime over time, you can soak the blades in a bowl of warm, soapy water for a few minutes. Then, use a soft-bristled brush or toothbrush to scrub the blades gently, taking care not to damage the sharp edges.
  4. After cleaning, rinse the blades with clean water and dry them thoroughly with a soft cloth.
  5. To maintain the scissors’ performance and protect them from rust, you can apply a small amount of oil to the blades using a soft cloth or cotton swab. Be sure to wipe off any excess oil before storing the scissors to prevent them from attracting dust or dirt.

By following these simple steps, you can keep your embroidery scissors clean and in good working condition for years to come.

How do you care for embroidery scissors?

Embroidery scissors are an essential tool for any embroidery enthusiast, and it’s important to care for them properly to ensure they remain sharp and effective. Here are some tips on how to care for your embroidery scissors:

  1. Keep them clean: After each use, wipe the blades with a soft, dry cloth to remove any dirt or debris. You can also use a small brush to remove any threads or fuzz that may have accumulated in the blades.
  2. Oil the blades: Occasionally, you may want to apply a small drop of oil to the blades to keep them lubricated and prevent rust. Use a light, all-purpose oil and wipe off any excess after applying.
  3. Store them properly: When you’re not using your embroidery scissors, store them in a safe place where they won’t be damaged or exposed to moisture. A scissor case or sleeve can help protect the blades from damage.
  4. Don’t use them for anything else: Embroidery scissors are designed specifically for cutting thread and fabric, so don’t use them for anything else, such as cutting paper or opening packages. This can dull the blades and make them less effective.
  5. Sharpen them when necessary: Over time, your embroidery scissors may become dull and less effective. If this happens, you can have them professionally sharpened or use a sharpening tool at home. Be careful not to damage the blades when sharpening, and always follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your embroidery scissors remain sharp and effective for years to come.

What is the shape of the embroidery scissors?

Embroidery scissors come in various shapes and sizes, but the most common shape is a straight or slightly curved blade with a pointed tip. The blades are typically between 2 and 4 inches in length and are designed to make precise cuts on fabric and thread. Some embroidery scissors also have decorative handles or unique shapes, such as stork-shaped or bird-shaped handles, which can add a touch of personality to your embroidery toolkit. Ultimately, the best shape for your embroidery scissors depends on your personal preferences and the type of embroidery projects you typically work on.

What is the shape for embroidery scissor?

What is the small embroidery scissors used to after stitching?

Small embroidery scissors are typically used for cutting threads and trimming excess fabric after stitching in embroidery and other needlework projects. They have sharp, pointed tips and narrow blades that allow for precision cutting in tight spaces. These scissors are often designed with decorative handles and are a popular tool among embroidery enthusiasts for their functionality and aesthetic appeal. After stitching, the embroiderer will use the scissors to carefully trim away any stray threads or excess fabric, creating a neat and tidy finished product.

How do I know if my scissors are fabric scissors?

To determine if your scissors are fabric scissors, there are a few things you can look for:

  1. Blade Shape: Fabric scissors typically have a longer, sharper blade that is tapered towards the tip. This allows for precise cutting of fabric without damaging or fraying the edges.
  2. Handle: Fabric scissors usually have larger handles with ample space for your fingers, which makes them more comfortable to use when cutting through layers of fabric.
  3. Blade Material: Fabric scissors are typically made with high-quality stainless steel, which makes them durable and able to withstand frequent use. They may also be coated with materials such as Teflon or titanium, which helps the blades glide smoothly through fabric.
  4. Labeling: Some manufacturers will label their scissors as “fabric scissors” or “sewing scissors” to make it clear what their intended use is.

If you’re still unsure whether your scissors are fabric scissors, try using them to cut through a piece of fabric. If the blades cut cleanly and smoothly through the fabric without snagging or fraying, they are likely fabric scissors. If they struggle to cut through the fabric or the edges become frayed, they may not be suitable for cutting fabric.

Why are fabric scissors so expensive?

Fabric scissors can be expensive for a few reasons:

  1. High-Quality Materials: Fabric scissors are typically made with high-quality stainless steel or other durable materials, which makes them more expensive to manufacture than cheaper, lower-quality scissors.
  2. Precision Engineering: Fabric scissors require precision engineering to ensure that they cut smoothly and accurately through the fabric without damaging or fraying the edges. This level of precision often requires skilled craftsmanship and specialized machinery, which can add to the cost.
  3. Specialized Design: Fabric scissors are designed specifically for cutting fabric and often have longer, sharper blades and larger handles than regular scissors. These specialized features make them more comfortable to use and more effective at cutting through layers of fabric, but they also make them more expensive to produce.
  4. Brand Name: Some fabric scissors are made by well-known brands that have built a reputation for producing high-quality tools. These brands often charge a premium for their products because customers are willing to pay more for the assurance of quality and reliability.

Overall, the cost of fabric scissors is often justified by the level of precision, quality, and durability that they offer, making them a worthwhile investment for anyone who frequently works with fabric.

Can embroidery scissors be sharpened?

Yes, embroidery scissors can be sharpened. Like any other pair of scissors, embroidery scissors can become dull over time with frequent use, and sharpening can help restore their sharp edge.

There are a few methods you can use to sharpen embroidery scissors:

  1. Sharpening Stone: You can use a sharpening stone to sharpen the blades of your embroidery scissors by running the blades back and forth along the stone at the correct angle. This method requires some skill and practice, and it may take several passes to achieve a sharp edge.
  2. Electric Scissor Sharpener: You can also use an electric scissor sharpener designed for small scissors, which can be a convenient and effective way to sharpen embroidery scissors quickly.
  3. Professional Sharpening: If you’re unsure about sharpening your embroidery scissors yourself or if your scissors are too damaged to be sharpened at home, you can take them to a professional sharpener who can sharpen them for you.

Overall, sharpening your embroidery scissors can help extend their lifespan and ensure that they continue to cut smoothly and accurately through fabric and threads. It’s a good idea to sharpen your embroidery scissors regularly, depending on how frequently you use them, to maintain their sharp edge.

Can you sharpen cheap scissors?

Yes, you can sharpen cheap scissors, but the process may not always be successful or cost-effective. Cheap scissors are often made with lower-quality materials and may not hold a sharp edge as well as higher-quality scissors. Additionally, some cheap scissors may have blades that are not designed to be sharpened or may be difficult to sharpen due to their design.

If you do choose to sharpen your cheap scissors, there are a few methods you can try:

  1. Sharpening Stone: You can use a sharpening stone to sharpen the blades of your scissors by running the blades back and forth along the stone at the correct angle. This method requires some skill and practice, and it may take several passes to achieve a sharp edge.
  2. Sandpaper: You can use fine-grit sandpaper to sharpen the blades of your scissors by cutting through the sandpaper several times at the correct angle. This method is less precise than using a sharpening stone, but it can be effective for minor sharpening needs.
  3. Professional Sharpening: If you’re unsure about sharpening your scissors yourself or if your scissors are too damaged to be sharpened at home, you can take them to a professional sharpener who can sharpen them for you. This can be a more expensive option, but it may be the best choice if you want to ensure that your scissors are sharpened properly.

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